Friday, 1 June 2012

New Terrace, Refurbished Cloister

Laurence Reports:

I've just returned from a 5 day visit to Pujols.  The objective was to get a handover from Christophe Cuisset, the pool supremo and to learn about backwashes, PH levels, salt systems etc etc.

My chaperones - mother Jessie, elder brother David and cousin Graeme Forsyth with wife Morag.

It turned into another "Operation Pujols" : lots to do and busy days doing it.  Plus the joy of meeting friends and relaxing at times : thanks to Marilyn, Maurice, Jill and Gaby for their socialising skills! And to Morag, David and Jessie for their catering skills.

The new pool and patio provided a fantastic venue for the convivial aspects of the stay.  Space, sun and the mesmerising blue of the water - always with that fabulous backdrop of roses and Abbey; just enchanting.  Whereas life before had focused on the lower patio and in the cold spells, the kitchen and the living room - on this visit everything was pool-side.

The pool water had quickly reached a comfortable 26 degrees, and there was serious pleasure in testing the waters.

There has been such progress on the key projects since our Easter visit.  The pool and terrace is complete and the guttering replaced along the edge of the cloister (it was unsightly!).  Local friends reported how hard the builder team had been working to get everything done in time, and the pool installer also seemed quietly pleased with the quality of the installation and finishes.  Certainly, the pool house is neatly full of all the equipment whirring away, and everything seems to function perfectly.

Graeme and I set about some serious homework:
- worry about the complete lack of hot water (sorted!)
- surrounds to the pool terrace needing finished and soil placed in the area (Morag and I will plant this in July)
- the new barge boards to the guttering to be stained
- cleaning up stonework on the part of the old school house overlooking the pool
- working alongside the boss of the contractor firm to remedy a leak under the lower terrace
- making good & painting walls where the electrical contractor had made channels for the new electrics
- finishing touches to the front entrance
- meeting the various artisans and receiving their invoices (!)
- plumbing back in the washing machine and the garden tap
- etc etc

We had hoped to find that the lower terrace had been replaced and renewed, also.  Monsieur Feltrin smiled, shrugged and said "in the winter".  He is evidently just too busy to undertake the work now.  It's a disappointment and I'm not sure what to do. Perhaps there's nothing we can do, except wait.  And I suppose now that life seems to move up and around the pool terrace, the lower terrace and garden becomes less significant.

In a meeting with Francis, the gardener, he excused the lack of progress with the garden and said he simply had not been able to get access because of all the vans, lorries and men around.  Now that construction work is over, he indicated he would get on with tackling the jungle.  And very generously, he said he would become the pool supervisor, and keep a check on all the things that need watching.

Thanks to Ryanair for their on-time landings, and see you again soon, Pujols.

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